Simons Architecture offers community architectural services with a heart to truly serve our community's non-profits, ministries and schools. Customized rates, unique designs and thoughtful construction options are offered as solutions to the unique challenges many community projects may face to stay in a conservative budget.
The Rock at Noonday is a great example of a community project completed with many hearts, who served willingly to keep the project on schedule and on budget. The Rock at Noonday offers the homeless and others in need in Albuquerque a place to receive meals, social and legal services, laundry facilities, Worship, Bible study and more. Since Joe Simons and family already served meals, led worship and Bible messages at Noon Day, Simons Architecture was a great fit to help. This community organization, Simons Architecture and PJ Development came together with giving hearts to design/build a new, stylish building that never compromised on what mattered most to those it served inside, while staying under the board's budget.